4 Reasons Why You Need A Financial Planner And More Importantly An Actual Plan
1. A plan helps you visualise the future you want
Going about life without a plan of where you are heading or what you want your future to look like could mean you end up in entirely the wrong place.
Taking the time to establish what kind of life you want to live and what is important gives you a much better chance of achieving it.
What does your ideal life look like?
2. People benefit from having someone to keep them accountable
Like any intention or desire to change behaviour, it can be hard to stick to a new plan because the habits that are ingrained into us may override anything we want to put in place.
We can all benefit from someone to keep us accountable to our behaviours.
A financial planner can help to provide an outside view of your progress and can coach you towards changing your habits for good.
3. How do you know what the best investment strategy is?
In this era of constant information and media overload, it’s easy to get distracted by new strategies claiming to be the next best thing. How do we know what is best for us? How do we stop ourselves from getting distracted?
Financial planners add value as they have taken the time to develop their knowledge of sound investment strategies based on real evidence and empirical data. They don’t rely on forecasts or speculation.
Do you understand your investments? Is it time for a review?
4. It is hard to make sensible long-term decisions
Our focus on the present makes it difficult for us to think about the long term with clarity, especially when short term events can trigger our emotions so much.
A financial planner can act a sounding board to ensure our emotions don’t lead to decisions that could negatively impact our long-term goals.
Having a plan for how you will achieve your goals can help you to visualise the steps you will take and can ensure your financial life is resilient through the inevitable ups and downs along the way.
Have you been going it alone up to now and not sure how to move forward? Contact us today to get help and to build your plan